DIY: Mardi Gras Feather Mask – Cheap and Quick

In my previous post DIY Mardi Gras Party Decor – Under $50, I showed you an overview on how you can make your own masks and assemble your own centerpieces and decorations for your mardi gras party without spending a lot of money.

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

I decided to give you a step by step guide on how to make a feather mask. This one took me less than 15 minutes and cost about $2. If you have more time, patience, and want to make a really fancy mask, you can simply follow these basic steps and add on to it as you wish.

For this tutorial, this what you will need:

1. Cardstock (pick a mardi gras color like purple or green)

2. Project board (black)

3. Feathers

4. X-acto knife

5. Glue

6. Pencil

How to Make Your Own Mardi Gras Mask:

1. Choose 1 sheet of card stock and line it up with your black piece of project board.

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap

2. Sketch free hand with pencil the shape of the mask you want, including the eyes. Go over it with marker to define exactly where you want to cut.

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

3. Cut out the eye holes with an x-acto knife. Press firmly so you go through the card stock and cut through the project board. Don’t worry if you have a frayed edges! It will all be covered with feathers in the end.

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap HandmadeMardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

4. Now you should have 2 separate cutouts of your mask shape – 1 on colored card stock and the other on the black project board. Add glue along the perimeter of the project board mask and outline the eyes with glue as well. Adhere the purple mask onto the black one.

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

5. Add glue and start adding your feathers. Start by making a layer of feathers encircling the eye-holes of the mask. Then layer the feathers in any design you want, using glue to secure them.

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

And then before you know it…in only a few minutes, you will have finished your own handmade Mardi Gras feather mask!

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

This is what the back of your mask will look like. You can add elastic string (sacrifice a hair elastic) to make the mask wearable or glue a rod (plastic straw covered with black paper or a pipe cleaner) to make it handheld.

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

If you really have patience, and have the time to purchase some really nice looking feathers, you can add sequins around the rims of the eye holes – giving them more definition and making it look more pulled together. You can add extra pieces of card stock to the top of the mask to add height and allow for more feathers. With some extra time, you can put together a mask like the one I made below. I used feathers that I actually already had and pulled out the mardi gras colors. I also found a nice peacock one to go right in the middle. Feel free to get creative and make the mask your own! Happy Crafting! 🙂

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

Mardi Gras Mask DIY Feather Cheap Handmade

7 thoughts on “DIY: Mardi Gras Feather Mask – Cheap and Quick

  1. Pingback: Make Your Own Mardi Gras Mask! | Handmade Future

  2. Pingback: Cool Mardi Gras Traditions To Do With Your Kid at Bunchland

    • Hi there,I came across your site and rllaey like this Mardi Gras mask picture:I run a small events space in Brooklyn, NY that’s having a Mardi Gras party and I was wondering if I could use the picture in our flyer. All the proceeds from the party go toward paying rent and bills for the space and also toward our efforts to become a not-for-profit organization.

  3. Pingback: Tutoriales DIY para hacerte máscaras de Carnaval desde cero

  4. Pingback: Top 10 DIY Mardi Gras Carnival Face Masks

  5. Pingback: Mardi Gras Makeup Tutorial | Article Resources

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