Pop Up Card: Be My Valentine

I’m getting into the valentine’s day spirit by starting a series of valentine pop-ups. Here is my first one of the season! Paper is by Stampin’ Up. I made this by using some canvas textured paper, glue, and an x-acto knife. Used a fine tip marker for the writing. Martha Stewart had similar strung paper hearts on her page and I figured I’d take it a step further by creating my own version and incorporating it into a pop-up card.

Hope you like it!

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

Valentine Pop Up Card Handmade Hearts

8 thoughts on “Pop Up Card: Be My Valentine

    • I promise to make a tutorial soon! I have a couple birthday cards I’m in the midst of making for 2 very special people – my maid of honor and my mother (birthdays coming up in a few days)! But I plan on doing a whole set of tutorials on the different styles of cards. This one is fairly easy as the pop up mechanism is simply little boxes I made using strips of paper to hold up the clouds.

  1. Pingback: Pop Up Card Tutorial: How to Make Valentine’s Day Airplane w/Heart Strings « Emily Things

  2. I absolutely loved this! I did the airplane one for my boyfriend and I’s second year anneversary and it was just pure amazing. I am be no meanings artistic but it was simple and well written instructions. Thank you 🙂

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