Mardi Gras Mask Centerpieces – The Finished Products

My fiance and I spent last night at the mardi gras themed banquet – the event that I was asked to make centerpieces for on a tight budget and put together in my post, DIY Mardi Gras Party Decor – Under $50. I decided to take a couple pics to show you what the tables looked like as finished products on the table. One thing I changed from my last post about Mardi Gras masks was the rod. I originally was using thick plastic drinking straws from the dollar store. They were great and perfect for a hand held mask, but since these masks were going to be used as centerpieces, the stems needed to be more sturdy (I realized this when one of the vases toppled over on it’s own the night before the event!). For a last minute quick fix, I went to Lowe’s to purchase some 1/4″ wooden dowels (6 for only 98 cents each!). My fiance helped by cutting the dowels in half so I had enough for my 12 masks. I painted them black and the next morning I attached the dried black wooden rods to the back of the masks using black duct tape (so it all blended in, since the back of the masks were black). And voila! The masks stayed upright in their vases all night and guests took their centerpieces home.

Don’t forget to use Mardi Gras Outlet for your cheap mardi gras crafting supplies and decorations. With a creative eye and some patience you can put together masks like these for your event for a nominal amount of money.

mardi gras mask handmade cheap diy

mardi gras centerpiece masks handmade diy

The camera phone picture of us is a little fuzzy but this is us at the event last night 🙂

mardi gras

This is another photo below taken by a friend at the event, not on the camera phone so it came out a little better!

3 thoughts on “Mardi Gras Mask Centerpieces – The Finished Products

  1. the theme colors of course are green purple and gold, what are good ideas for invites and decoration and centerpieces.

    ideas:: maybe masquerade mask with silver sharpioe on the back with the details on the back. and maybe masks and feathers and beads stuck in foam for the centerpieces?

  2. Masquerade ball masks are worn at many different formal functions, including proms, seasonal dances, and even Mardi Gras. These masks are often highly ornate and feature many unique designs. However, many people have limited incomes so they can not afford to purchase masks that are highly decorated. Fortunately, making your own masquerade ball masks is not terribly difficult or expensive.

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